
Author Guidelinesnew

Instructions for Authors

International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Basic Sciences (IJEEBS) is an international and multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a wide-ranging coverage, consolidates research activities in science and engineering into a single, and unique reference source.
IJEEBS provides the means for scientists, researchers, engineers, medical experts and technocrats to publish original full research articles, rapid communications of important new scientific and technological findings, timely state-of-the-art reviews and current research news encompassing the fundamental and applied research in all disciplines of the science, engineering and medicine.

JOURNAL POLICY: It is IJEEBS policy to publish only original and unpublished research work therefore IJEEBS does not wish to receive any papers on research work that has already been reported in parts or contains already published text, data, figures, tables or other illustrations or any copyright materials whatsoever that has been submitted or accepted for publication either in a journal or conference proceedings elsewhere in any form, in print or in electronic media. When submitting a manuscript, authors should make a full statement to the Editors that the research work contained in their manuscript is completely original and unpublished. If redundant or duplicate publication is attempted or occurs authors should expect immediate editorial action to be taken including prompt rejection of the submitted manuscript. Submission of any manuscript that contains redundant or duplicate publication of the same or very similar research work violates the policies of this journal.

It is the sole responsibility of all authors to ensure that all manuscripts are new, original and not published previously in any form any media, shall not infringe upon or violate any kind of copyrights of others and does not contains any plagiarized, fraudulent and improperly attributed materials. Extended and modified versions of previously published abstracts, papers in any conference or journal are not allowed whatsoever.

Corresponding author should provide a clear statement confirming this while submitting manuscript to the journal. Is this manuscript 100% original and unpublished? Has this manuscript been published in parts (figures/text/tables) in any conference proceedings or journal in any media or language or format whatsoever? Is this manuscript from free from plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) and copyright infringement?

Authors must follow this “Journal Policy” strictly.

PUBLISHING ETHICS: IJEEBS strictly follows guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, available at All Authors, Peer-Reviewers and Editors work together in a great harmony to ensure the highest ethical standards in publishing quality research work in our journals.

ETHICAL COMPLIANCE: Research papers reporting animal or clinical studies should, where appropriate, contain a statement that they have been carried out with animal or human ethics committee approval. All scientific studies should be carried out in accordance with the relevant national and local guidelines. Each author(s) warrants that his or her research institution has fully approved the protocol for all scientific studies involving animals or humans and that all experiments of any kinds were conducted in compliance with ethical and humane principles of research after ethics committee approval.

SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPT: Authors are kindly advised to read IJEEBS policy before submitting their manuscript to IJEEBS Editors. Authors are encouraged to submit high quality original research work that has not been published or nor under consideration by other journals or conference proceedings elsewhere. Authors should submit manuscript electronically as a Microsoft Word file to the Editor-in-Chief. Authors are highly encouraged to submit manuscript electronically as a MS Word file to save time for the reviewing process.

Authors should submit a list of FIVE (5) potential referees accompanied with their complete mailing address, telephone, and email address, who may be contacted for reviewing the manuscript though refereeing is done by anonymous reviewers selected by the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors.

MANUSCRIPT PROCESSING FEES: Authors should understand that there are many occurring publishing expenses per journal page associated with manuscript processing, editorial, production, typesetting, web-hosting, and archiving. IJEEBS highly appreciate for author’s kind understanding and support.

It is sole responsibility of the authors to submit their final accepted manuscript in correct English language, free of all typographical/grammatical errors to meet high publishing standards. All authors from non-English language countries should get their final accepted manuscripts copyedited by professional copyediting services at author’s own expense. All copyediting services are fully paid for and arranged by the authors. Manuscripts will be processed for publication on a condition that authors submit a certificate of proof along with their final accepted manuscript. A list of professional copyediting editing services can be found below.

1. American Journal Experts (
2. BioMed Proofreading LLC (
3. Editage (
4. International Science Editing Ltd. (
5. ScienceDocs Inc.(
6. SciTechEdit International (
7. Stallard Scientific Editing (
8. Textcheck (
9. Write Science Right (

INTRODUCTORY MATERIAL: The first page of the manuscript should have a concise title limited to about 15 words and the names of all authors, complete mailing address for correspondence, telephone numbers and email address. Please indicate with an asterisk (*) the author to whom correspondence regarding the manuscript should be directed.

RESEARCH ARTICLES: Full length papers that report original research work on new ideas in the fields of Science and Technology.

REVIEWS: The state-of-the-art review articles are published under IJEEBS. Reviews are limited to a maximum length of 50 journal pages having more than 200 references. It is authors’ responsibility to obtain written copyright permissions to reproduce any copyright materials from other sources. Authors are advised to cite proper references in figure/tables captions of all previously published figures/tables/illustrations including their own published work and obtain copyright permissions from appropriate publishers and authors.

Please use this IJEEBS style for Citing Reference in Figure/Table Captions.

Reprinted with permission from ref. [number] include full Reference, Copyright © publisher’s name.

EXAMPLE: Reprinted with permission from ref. [74], Xu, Y., Bai, H., Lu, G., Li, C. and Shi, G., 2008. Flexible graphene films via the filtration of water-soluble noncovalent functionalized graphene sheets. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(18), pp.5856-5857.Copyright © American Chemical Society.

TYPING: All manuscripts must be in English, properly-spaced on one side of the page throughout (including footnotes, references, tables, legends) on 8.5″ x 11″ .

ABSTRACT: All manuscripts must contain an informative 150 to 300 words abstract explaining the essential contents of the work, key ideas and results.

QUALITY OF FIGURES: It is very important to supply high quality figures in a form suitable for reproduction. All figures, tables, illustrations, photographs should be prepared in such a way that they could be printed in a single column size with a width of 3 1/4 inches or 8.25 cm. Use 11 Times New Roman font for legends and 10 Times New Roman font for numbering/wordings in figures, use the same font for all figures. Only if absolutely necessary should figures/tables/photos occupy double columns. Each figure must be referred to in the text and will be printed in black and white unless otherwise instructed by the authors. Each Figure should be submitted on a separate sheet and marked with the name of the author, title of manuscript and figure number. All formulae and figures should be carefully drafted and never drawn freehand. High quality original figures and glossy prints of all photographs are required. Photocopies of the figures and photographs are not acceptable.

TABLES: Each table must be referred to in the text. Each table should be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet and identified sequentially by Arabic numerals corresponding to the order in which they appear in the text. Each table should have a brief explanatory title, which should be labeled unambiguously. The position of each table should be clearly marked in the text.

UNITS: Internationally accepted units of measurement must be used. The units of measurement are used in conjunction with their numerical values; the units should be abbreviated as suggested below. If more commonly used units are adopted, conversion factors should be given at their first occurrence. Greek symbols may be used.

%, ºC, nm, µm (not m), mm, cm, cm3, m, h (or hr), min, s (or sec), µg, mg, g (or gm), kg, cal, kcal, in. (or write out inch), ml [write out liter(s)]..

SE OF ABBREVIATIONS IN TEXT: No abbreviations are allowed in the title and abstract and should be defined the first time they are used within the title and text. For example,

First time use as; Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy, X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, etc.

REFERENCES (Use Harvard Referencing): References should be in the proper style, numbered in the sequence in which they occur in the text. Cite references numerically in a bracket [ ] in the text and list in the same numerical order at the end of the manuscript. References should be listed in the given Referencing format:

Names of all Authors. The First name initials is followed by Surname. (example; P. G. Williams)
Title of Research Article.
Full Journal Title (complete journal title in Italics, do not use abbreviated journal titles).
Volume Number of the Journal.
Issue Number of Journal.
Year of Research Article Publication (in Bold: 2015)
Page Numbers of research article (starting from beginning page to last page of a research article)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: These should be brief and placed at the end of the text before the references.

ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION: Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication, authors should submit to the publisher the final version of the manuscript in MS Word format to improve the accuracy and speed up the typesetting process. The final manuscript should be clearly labeled with the author’s name, manuscript title, the dates of submission and acceptance.

WARRANTIES AND COPYRIGHTS: By submitting the manuscript, the authors warrant that the entire work is original and unpublished; it is submitted only to this Journal and all text, data, figures/tables or other illustrations included in the research article are completely original and unpublished, and these have not been previously published or submitted elsewhere in any form or media whatsoever. All authors are responsible for the complete contents of their manuscript. The author(s) warrant that the work contains no unlawful or libelous statements and opinions and liable materials of any kind whatsoever, do not infringe on any copyrights, intellectual property rights, personal rights or rights of any kind of others, and does not contains any plagiarized, fraudulent, improperly attributed materials, instructions, procedures, information or ideas that might cause any harm, damage, injury, losses or costs of any kind to person or property. It is authors’ responsibility to obtain written copyright permissions from other sources (publishers) for reproduction of any figures, tables, photos, illustrations, text or other copyright materials from previously published work. It is the policy of IJEEBS to own the copyright of all contributions it publishes. The Copyright Transfer Form that transfer copyright of the article to the publisher must be completed by the authors prior to publication of an accepted article in this journal. Authors must submit a signed copy of the Copyright Transfer Agreement with their manuscript.

ETHICAL ISSUES: Authors cannot submit a manuscript for publication to other journals simultaneously. It is waste of valuable resources because editors and referees spent a great deal of time processing submitted manuscripts. It is also unethical to republish similar research articles (text/figures/tables) again because journals have limited page space and it most likely violates copyrights which have already been transferred to the first journal. Therefore, journal require a signed author’s copyright transfer agreement stating the originality of the research work submitted through a manuscript. As stated above that authors should submit original, new and unpublished research work to the journal. The ethical issues such as plagiarism, fraudulent and duplicate publication, violation of copyrights, authorship and conflict of interest are serious issues concerning ethical integrity when submitting a manuscript to a journal for publication.